среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

faradays induction law magnetic

The name of the restaurant I had lunch with Jean-Michel. He is such a great company and becoming such a good friend now. He is definitely wiser and he can read my "face" better than any of my other friends. He knew that I was still looking perplexed and troubled. Itapos;s hard to hide things from him but at the same time I am not ready to share my worries with him. I appreciate him for considering me as a friend he could share his "stories" with. Itapos;s always great to get his perspectives on certain issues may that be financial, work, family members, relationships and health.

Messing was always in the back of my mind when I was with Jean-Michel... Some of the things he went through with his past relationships I could relate to them. It is so uncanny to meet a friend who went through the things I am going through at the moment but with different "plots"

Had dinner with my usual circle of friends... Itapos;s always nice spending time with them as it is�a form of temporary escape from everything that�I am facing.

Share your worries with others,�as they share theirs to me. I never think�anything differently of them�when they do, so why should they think�that of me�IF�I do?�A very�valid point from�Jean-Michel. Hope to see him tomorrow.�

faradays induction law magnetic.

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