среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

bpq node

So...I get made fun of all the time for comparing flavors of things to what other things MIGHT taste like (things you never would want to actually taste)...but I guess I have a really strong connection between my nose and my taste buds. Here's the story of my latest weird hypothetical-taste-comparison discovery.

The vending machines at my work have a plethora of candy, chocolate, chips, and other uber-healthy snacks to choose from. Usually when I find myself distracted by hunger and needing a little snack, I grab some Chex mix or something not TOO calorically devastating or packed with sugar and fat. Sometimes I go for limited edition Wild Cherry mm's. And EVERY time, I forget that I NEVER want to eat them again, because there are always four or five (if I'm lucky -- sometimes more like eight or nine) single mm's in the package that just taste wrong.

How wrong, you ask? I'm talking AD diaper rash ointment wrong. For those of you who have ever changed a baby's diaper and had to use this dreaded cream, you know this is NOT a pretty taste to imagine, especially when we're talking chocolate. It's a VERY specific smell, and not a very pleasant one. And the fact that I seem to taste EXACTLY that same SMELL when I eat these mm's...it just creeps me out.

The weird thing is, it's not EVERY mm. It's as if the factory that produces these has some problem with its mixing machines or something, because sometimes an mm will taste more cherry than chocolate. Other times more chocolate than cherry. And then there are those four or five (or eight or nine) in each package that taste like cherry-chocolate-rash-ointment. Blech.

The worst part about today's experience...is that I went to buy one of these bags of mm's, and since it got stuck and didn't fall down and I didn't want to make a spectacle by shaking the machine...I had to BUY ANOTHER BAG so that they would BOTH fall down so I wouldn't waste any money. And thus...I have consumed TWICE the AD-flavored Wild Cherry mm's than usual. Not to mention twice the calories and sugar...and I'm feeling twice grossed-out, twice-motivated to go to the gym today, and TWICE-bummed out that I didn't bring my gym clothes to work (because the gym is near WORK, not my house). Bah

Anyway...just wanted to share that with y'all. You can think I'm crazy for knowing what hypothetical diaper cream tastes like, but go smell some, then eat these mm's, and I'm pretty sure you will be just as disturbed as I am.

bethesda church fort worth texas, bpq node, bpq32, bpqa, bpqa maryland.

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